Friday, January 18, 2008

The beginning of the middle

Cold day here in the vast middle, but I didn't really know because I was buried in my office at home trying to get organized. The only escape was to let the dogs out a few times.
After five hours, I didn't accomplish too much. Lesson of the day- don't change computers unless you really have to, and change computers before a crash. Fortunately, I was part of the former, but it still bites. Especially trying to move email. I sell technology equipment but I don't know everything. Don't tell my kids I said that.
See what I mean? That was 5 hrs lost I'll never get back.

Here we start

Friday is the first day of the rest of my life. I have trouble staying through things, and where is blog leads is unknown. I can stay with the important things-- my two almost adult kids and my DH of 24 years. I'll talk about them from time to time.
I am in dental technology sales--yes, many dentists do believe in technology, although probably the only sales for film is in the dental industry. I'll share a lot about this group. Pretty entertaining group!
This two events will probably shape the context of this blog. Many days of escaped opportunities, fabulous moments, and puzzling situations. Anyway you look at it, it will all involve time that can never be lived again.